‘HorticoGreens’ is an enterprise by three Horticulturists having vast exposure in the subject field.
Our Mission
- Popularization of Kasthuri Turmeric (Curcuma aromatica ) which is an endangered species.
- Promotion of Homestead Cultivation.
- A Kitchen Garden for Every Home.
- Make available quality seeds / planting materials.
- Consultancy services for plantations, orchards and spice gardens.
- Ornamental gardening and landscaping.
- Consultancy services for other areas under Horticulture.
Popularization of Kasthuri Turmeric (Kasthuri Manjal) – Kasthuri Turmeric (Curcuma aromatica) is known for its medicinal, aromatic and cosmetic properties from time immemorial. In India, it was grown roughly in an area of 6000 ha in 1970’s. Over a period of time, the area has dwindled drastically to a stage today where the species itself has become endangered. Unfortunately, a fake genotype, Zedoary or Manja Koova (Curcuma zedoaria), largely used in biscuit and confectionary industry, which is a much cheaper substitute, started getting marketed as genuine Kasthuri Turmeric through unethical and unscrupulous involvement of middle men and vendors. Concerned at such a situation Government of India through National Horticultural Board sanctioned a project to conserve the species. Alongside, State Government also sanctioned two projects. Dr. B.K.Jayachandran (one of the promoters) was entrusted with the projects. His painstaking a decade and a half long research on these projects supplemented by five PG projects led finally to the development of a comprehensive package of practices for Kasthuri Turmeric. This was made available for the farming community through a booklet ‘Kasthuri Manjal for Beauty and Wealth‘ published by Kerala Agricultural University. A short film on cultivation and post-harvest handling of Kasthuri Turmeric was also released during September 2011. The underlying objective of the above projects was to popularize the cultivation and usage of true Kasthuri Turmeric (Curcuma aromatica) and regain its prime status as an ayurvedic, aromatic and cosmetic crop. Growing Kasthuri Turmeric is simple and any interested person can do it.
Click this link to see the short film/video in English / Malayalam for detailed information.
As an enabler, our goal is to make available adequate planting materials of true Kasthuri Turmeric, genuine organic Kasthuri Turmeric powder and related value-added products through conventional and online marketing platforms.
Promotion of Homestead Cultivation – Kerala is distinctly different from other states characterized by high density of population, nuclear families, fragmented small land holdings and high labour cost. The production of fruits, vegetables, plantation and other horticultural crops within the state is inadequate because of the above limiting factors. The state, therefore is forced to depend on neighboring states for its needs. Converting each homestead into self-sustainable and productive unit through systematic and scientific cultivation would be a viable and practical alternative which in itself has dual benefit. Limited space available in individual homesteads can be fully harnessed for maximizing production and minimizing cost of cultivation with active involvement of family members.
A Kitchen Garden for Every Home – Just two cents is what is required for setting up a kitchen garden for a family of four. It is possible to set up such kitchen gardens in almost every home.If the area is limited, vegetables can be grown on terraces in grow bags, gunny bags, pots, trays etc. We would handhold for setting up such kitchen gardens.
Make available quality seeds / planting materials – Seeds and seedlings are most important input in crop production. Though it cost less than 5% of the total cost of production, it decides 30% of the crop yield. Non availability of quality seeds and planting materials are serious constraints in productive farming. One of our goals is to make them available to facilitate hassle free and quality farming.
Consultancy services for plantations, orchards and spice gardens – Many have barren/ unutilised or under -utilised lands which they don’t have the heart to sell but have a nagging feeling of same lying idle and of little use. Such lands can be converted from unproductive to productive and profitable plantations, orchards and spice gardens. It would be a great outlet for productive and recreational activity and one that will generate income. We would handhold for setting up such plantations, orchards and spice gardens.
Ornamental gardening and landscaping –Everybody likes attractive flowers and eye catching landscaping of their homes or business establishments. The right plant in right position will add to the aesthetic beauty of the site or location. We will handhold in setting up ornamental gardens and in landscaping.
Consultancy services for other areas under Horticulture – Horticulture is the intensive production, processing and value addition of market oriented crops where plant to plant attention is required. In addition to major branches of Horticulture, there are many other areas like Horticulture Therapy. We will handhold such activities.
Click on this link horticogreens to register and to avail our Consultancy Services and Home/ Spot visits.